What is ISBN or UPC?

  • An ISBN is a 10 or 13 digit number that can usually be found on the back cover
    of most books above the barcode. When you enter an ISBN, include all 0's and
    an X if applicable. Occasionally, the ISBN is found elsewhere. Each individual
    10 or 13digit ISBN must be entered without spaces or dashes.
  • A UPC is a 12 or 13 (EAN) digit number that can be found below the barcode on your CD, DVD or video game case.Note: sometimes the lead and ending numbers are
    Smallerthan the other 10 numbers; these smaller numbers must also be entered so that the code entered is a total of 12 or 13 digits.Each individual 12 digit UPC or 13 digit EAN must be entered without spaces or dashes.
  • If you have multiple ISBNs or UPCs, enter them separated by a space or comma in the EagleSaver.com search bar.