Bulk Checkout
Do you have multiple copies of the same title to sell?
Bulk checkout allows you to sell multiple copies of the same item using our normal, instant checkout process. Simply enter the ISBN (books) or UPC (discs) of the item you want to sell in bulk. A quote will be instantly returned for a quantity of 1 for this item.
Then, all you have to do is adjust the quantity to the number of this title that you would like to sell and hit enter or update quantity. An instant bulk price quote will be returned!

EagleSaver.com purchases merchandise from legitimate and reliable sources ONLY

The only sources EagleSaver.com considers legitimate for resell are:
- US studios or publishers
- Major US national distributors who purchase directly from US studios or publishers
- Major US retailers such as Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, Costco, Fry’s Electronics, Safeway, Kroger, Walgreens or similar.
EagleSaver.com will report anyone attempting to sell pirated merchandise. Overseas sources in Hong Kong, China or other countries and purchases made on eBay and Craigslist or at garage sales, flea markets or similar sources are all not acceptable sources for resell to EagleSaver.com.
EagleSaver.com does not accept chains of supply in which a customer states they purchased from someone who claims they purchased from one of the 3 sources outlined above. EagleSaver.com customers must have acquired their merchandise directly from one of the 3 sources we have outlined above.